Beneficial Company

Requirements for Beneficial Companies include:
Planting trees
Saving CO₂
Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Application of future-oriented concepts such as Cradle to Cradle or Blue City

Drees & Sommer has implemented such extensive measures to reduce and compensate for its CO2 emissions that in it's 50th anniversary in 2020 – it became climate positive. Although carbon credits still make a significant contribution to the company’s climate-positive status, they will be reduced step by step according to a clearly defined plan. At the same time the company is to subsidise the planting of 75,000 trees per year from 2020, regardless of its climate footprint.

Since 2019, our sustainability strategy has included keeping an account of the CO2 emissions generated by the provision of energy to our locations and by company traffic and transport. Our annual CO2 emissions convert to around 2.29 tons per staff member. Business travel and the company vehicle fleet account for the largest proportion of the emissions, at more than 80 per cent. The remaining portion is caused by the use of energy to operate the office buildings. The myclimate foundation, among others, supported us with the accounting.